Ian Robinson

There are several ways that Jo puts the “personal” into personal training. First, she pays great attention to detail and ensures that exercises are properly executed. Constant reminders to “drop your hips”, “relax your shoulders”, “suck in your belly button”, “use your latts”, “angle your foot downwards” and so on are designed to ensure that I get maximum benefit from each and every exercise she prescribes for me. The value of each tip is immediately obvious as the part of the body meant to be worked by the exercise comes into play following the adjustment. That’s something that cannot be gained in a group session, yet is so valuable if you’re serious about getting benefit from the exercises. It also demonstrates Jo’s complete understanding of the purpose of each exercise and the value of doing them properly. Being able to expertly demonstrate both how to do an exercise correctly and also how not to do it (and explain why) is extremely helpful. Second, she looks at the person holistically and carefully plans sessions and individual exercises to ensure no harm is done or injury exacerbated. In my case, knowing of my chronic back condition and occasional related soft tissue injuries, Jo takes great care to target the exercises to avoid back pain while at the same time the core muscles that support my lower back are being strengthened. She readily expertly adjusts exercises based on their effect on my back or on any injury from which I may not have completely recovered. For someone who wore a back brace for 18 months, the results have been outstanding. To sum up, Jo Narayan is an extremely competent, effective, skilful, professional and caring personal trainer. She has far exceeded my expectations and done wonders for my well-being. Physiotherapists and exercise physiologists I have consulted from time to time express surprise at how well I execute the exercises they prescribe for me and I readily tell them that that’s all down to Jo.

Joanne Narayan