Kate Mazoudier

It is an honour to provide a testimonial about Jo Narayan. In a word, she is phenomenal!  And I tell everyone who will listen about what a motivating and fabulous PT she is! I started working with Jo in my early 40s when I admitted to myself that running was no longer as easy as it was in my 20s. I had realised that my post-children body needed long-term strength maintenance appropriate to my gender, my age and lifestyle. Jo cleverly mixes gym-based strength training with other disciplines including yoga, pilates and I suspect there is some classical dance in there too. She is wise, clever, inspiring, intuitive, fun and SO knowledgeable. Her explanations are crystal clear and our sessions are always challenging and rewarding. She is a very astute people person and never judgmental. She is very knowledgeable about injury rehab and always happy to advise whether I should run or swim in between our sessions, or put together programs if I go away. I always feel motivated to do more (and of course proudly report back to her my achievements). There is a total genuineness about Jo’s approach that (for me) is absolutely essential. Her intuition, the quality and variation of the programs she puts together for each session, and the connection she has built with me are all critical for my motivation and enthusiasm. As a result she has me willingly hopping out of bed at 5am on miserable Melbourne winter mornings!!

Joanne Narayan